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Attitude - Featured articles:

Driving With Kids: A Survival Guide

The golden rule to remember is that the driver is responsible for the passengers - no matter what. They may really want that toy that has fallen under the back seat, or need you to pass back a juice bottle, but your job, first and foremost, is to ensure their safety, pandering to their needs is secondary to this. If they know you can't and won't react then they won't expect you to. More »

Safer driving through reflective thinking

The author argues that the focus on skill which has dominated approaches to dealing with driving behaviour should be reconsidered, and other aspects given prominence. More »

Traffic jams may reduce stress

More traffic congestion could be better for drivers' health, researchers suggest More »

Death to the uninsured?

How would you punish an uninsured driver? New research shows insured drivers are frustrated and angry towards those who drive uninsured. More »

Helping make teens streetwise

A new online computer game, Road Ready StreetWise, was designed to increase teens' awareness and understanding of driving risks. Researchers at the University of Michigan found players were more likely to take steps to protect themselves from driving mishaps--and it's fun! More »

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