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Risk Management - Featured articles:

Excerpts from Target Risk

Brief excerpts from the book that outlines the theory that proposes that individuals have a target level of risk that they accept in their everyday lives. More »

Should teens ride with teens?

Laws limiting the number of teenage passengers who may ride with inexperienced teen drivers are highly supported, says a new survey, but just half of the states have such laws, even though they seem effective. More »

What works in changing road user behavior?

This report reviews published research (to December 1994) on behavior models that have been used to attempt to explain road user behavior, and it summarizes the results of efforts to change that behavior using four broad classes of tools--Legislation, Enforcement, Reinforcement, and Education. More »

Reviews and comments on Target Risk and the theory of risk homeostasis

Several well-known experts and journalists provide brief comments on the book. More »

Young novice drivers, driver education & training

A scholarly review of the original, well-publicized document, from 2003, by Engstrm, Gregersen, Hernetkoski, Keskinen, and Nyberg. More »

The conceptions of traffic safety among young male drivers

The conceptions of traffic safety were analysed among young male drivers in Finland trained through driving schools or by individual permit. The researcher found that young male drivers trained by individual permit conceive that road traffic always involves potential for damage. More »

Getting back to risk sanity

A one in 7,000 chance of being killed in a car crash. A one in 600 chance of dying from cancer. "We have learned to live with these common threats to our health," says Michael J. Rothschild, "yet we have been afraid to return to the malls and the skies." More »

September 11: an earthquake in risk perception

Our perceptions of risk in the world around us were shattered on September 11. Now we have the daunting task of rebuilding our perceptions to accommodate the new reality. Experts in the emerging field of Risk Communication can help. More »

Target Risk 2

This book outlines Risk Homeostasis Theory and its implications for all risk-taking behavior and research, including driving. More »

Safe is as safe does

A editorial suggests that we are obsessed with safety. The author draws on the Firestone tire recall, the Concorde crash, and a tainted water scandal. More »

Risk mentality: why drivers take the risk they do

The author argues that if we take a realistic look at the driver, we can influence behavior effectively by managing training, education, enforcement of rules, and well-chosen incentives. We have the tools, but the bigger problem may be to change the organizations and institutions that apply these tools. More »

Balancing risks: John F. Kennedy Jr's chain of risk decisions

Analysis of the crash has missed a critical element that is relevant to all such crashes--the balancing of "social risk" and the need to "get there" with the need to take safety precautions. More »

Personal risk: risk behavior and young drivers

If people are predisposed to taking risks, how can they be convinced to drive more cautiously? A psychologist tackles the problem of behaviour change. More »

How safety measures can change drivers' behavior

Measures to improve safety don't always have the intended effect, this article points out. Sometimes changes in behavior reduce the effects of the measures or counteract them entirely. More »

New to the road: reducing the risks for young drivers

Table of contents and abstracts of 14 papers presented at the 1995 First Annual International Symposium of the Youth Enhancement Service. More »

Risk-taking, health, and safety

A editorial about the Risk Homeostasis Theory and the book Target Risk. More »

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