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Traffic Laws - Featured articles:

Driver fined for wearing Burqa

The French battle with the Burqa shifts up a gear with the recent fining of a 31-year old female driver in Nantes, France, for the offense of wearing a Burqa whilst driving. More »

Speed limit high jinks

Speed traps are supposed to slow drivers down, but what if you help them, say, for example, by warning them about the trap? UK High Court judges think maybe it should be OK. More »

Older children don't buckle up

Young children today are more often seated properly in child safety seats, but older kids ride unbuckled and die in car crashes at rates similar to adults, shows recent U.S. data. And 27 states have upgraded related laws since 2001. More »

Three strikes--and your car is out!

Starting in February, clamping teams will patrol London's streets seeking out vehicles whose owners have ignored three or more £80 penalty notices for not paying the city's congestion charge. Three-time offender's cars will be impounded. More »

Are cell phone yakkers getting ticketed yet?

Cell phone laws are difficult to enforce, and there's lots of controversy about who should pass them, says Wireless Newsfactor. More »

List all 7 articles found in Traffic Laws

Traffic Laws - Other links:

Describes itself as a non-profit source of news about the politics of driving - source unknown

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