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Speed Cameras - Featured articles:

Teen revenge fools speed cams

Report of Maryland teens using fake license plates to get speeding tickets sent to people they don't like More »

Speeding drivers and social networking

Flashing your headlights to warn your fellow drivers about a speed trap may be a thing of the past. Electronic social networking is taking over More »

Londoners want more speed cams

Londoners overwhelmingly support speed cameras, and they don't want them painted a conspicuous bright yellow. More »

U.K. speed cameras not on the worst roads

The U.K.'s Autocar Magazine says its research indicates that more speed cameras are being placed on safer roads than on those that have had more crashes. More »

Speed cameras hit Washington

Speed radar cameras are in the news today on CNN and in the Washington Post. Police are ending their grace period amid concerns over revenue vs. safety. More »

List all 7 articles found in Speed Cameras

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Speed Cameras - Other links:

This PDF cover story of the IIHS's Status Report magazine discusses programs and research into red light and speed cameras in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Full title: "Final Report: Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Project for the Capital Beltway: Feasibility of Photo-Radar." 1992 report is based on roadway research and a visit to Europe.

Fighting speeding tickets -- a resource page

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