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Buy, Sell - Featured articles:

Is your odometer lying?

There are more than 450,000 cases of odometer fraud per year in the USA, according to a research report from the NHTSA. More »

Top 10 tips for drivers buying a new car

Buying a new car is a major event and like all major events it requires planning. The price you pay for your car will depend to a great extent on how you approach this process, and in the current economic climate, the potential savings can be huge. We have put together a list of our top 10 tips to help you get the car you want at the price you want to pay. More »

The depreciation dilemma

Looking for a good investment? Don't buy a new car. But if you insist on owning one, check out a new service that predicts its resale value. More »

Vehicle quality up, but in-car technology baffling

An annual survey shows strong improvements in vehicle quality over the first 90 days, including some US-built car winners, but many find stereos and navigation devices confusing. More »

Should we cut gasoline use 50%?

A U.S. proposal would add $1000 tax on vehicles that fail to meet a standard fuel efficiency of 30 mpg, aiming to reduce foreign oil dependency. More »

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