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1 - Learning to Drive - Featured articles:

Learning to drive: a guide for parents

A Drivers.com guide for parents of novice drivers. Covers several topics, including communicating in the car, how drivers learn best, safe driving tips, and attitude. (NEW--PDF version for easy printing.) More »

The up-front story about learning to drive

A Drivers.com editorial outlines some of the issues and questions facing novice drivers. More »

Driving: It's never too early to learn

Author argues that we should be teaching young children the basics of driving, to prepare them for the rigors of modern traffic. More »

Worst drivers and couch potatoes

We can learn by watching, says a new study. So maybe TV should forget the world's worst driver programs and focus on what the best are doing. More »

Driving task deserves better training

Article suggests that if we give the driving task the credit its due, the issue of whether education and training works or not would be answered. More »

List all 6 articles found in 1 - Learning to Drive

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1 - Learning to Drive - Other links:

A free online guide to learning to drive - quizzes, videos, advice

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