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Safety Advocates - Featured articles:

Ghost bikes - a new international symbol

The Ghost Bike movement is a now international effort to change motorist behavior and force city authorities to make the streets safer for cyclists. Like all great movements, it was started by one person who was prompted into action based on his personal experience. More »

Safety Advocates - Other links:

A weekly column by retired constable Tim Schewe on traffic safety in British Columbia

General Advice on keeping safe while driving .. and more. "Our concern was that there was no single UK resource for interesting features and practical advice on this subject."

Drivers Updates

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Bluetooth and the driver

Where to get International Driving Permits

The International Driving Permit

Drivers 'how to ...'

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... save on fuel costs

... protect your car

Driver 'Top 10...' articles

... driving holidays with kids

... buying a new car

... fuel saving tips

... fuel efficient cars