Date: 2004-12-08
Killdeer to New Town on Rte. 22 is about 95 miles and takes two hours
if you don't stop. Starting in Killdeer, drive north on Rte. 22 to the
Killdeer Battlefield State Historic Site. It was at this site in 1864
(July 28) that a battle was fought between troops commanded by General
Alfred Sully and the Sioux Indians. General Sully's 2,200 troops with the aid of artillery batteries, destroyed the Sioux Indian village with a reported 6,000 warriors. Sully lost five soldiers with Sioux losses totaling between 100-150 Native Americans; there is
a marker on the site.
Continuing north you will see the Killdeer Mountains to the west. Just 12 miles north of the Killdeer Battlefield State Historic Site the Badlands begin. For some camping, hiking, and horseback riding, drive the two-mile gravel road to Little Missouri State Park. After crossing the Little Missouri River, you enter the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. The Hidatsa, Arikara and Mandan inhabit the 450,000-acre reservation. Continue on until Rte. 22 ends at Rte. 23.
Head east on Rte. 23 to Four Bears Memorial Park. Next to the Three Tribes Museum is the Four Bears Casino and Lodge. Crossing the Four Bears Bridge, turn left to the Crow Flies High Butte. Crow Flies High offers a view of the spectacular 178-mile-long Lake Sakakawea. The trip ends as you enter New Town. This short drive is loaded with rich Indian history and landscape views you can't find anywhere else.
Starting Point:
Killdeer, ND
Distance of Drive:
95 miles
Must Eat:
Hwy. 22 & 200, Killdeer, ND 58640
Call ahead to confirm hours of operation.
Best Time of Year for Drive:
Mid-May through September
Points of Interest on Drive:
Killdeer Battlefield State Historic Site
Four Bears Memorial Park
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation