Date: 2004-11-16
Kick off this portion of the Great River Road (GRR) drive in the town
of Savanna, Illinois, on the Mississippi across from Iowa. Savanna provides
much for the antique-hunter. There are also nice Victorian mansions sitting
on top of the bluffs. A must see is Mississippi Palisades State Park,
reached by driving north from Savanna on Rte. 84. A drive through this
park offers beautiful river views and wonderful eroded bluffs. Cross the
river from Savanna to Iowa and head south on U.S. 67 for the Quad Cities
(Moline, Rock Island, Davenport and Bettendorf) from Savanna where the
terrain becomes flatter than might be expected for about 50 miles.
Ole Miss is hiding through much of this route, but it can be seen in a few recreation areas in the Upper Mississippi National Fish and Wildlife Refuge area. Heading toward the Quad Cities, the GRR passes on the northeastern edge of Le Claire, Iowa. Cross the river back to Illinois on I-74 and continue south on U.S. 67. The Quad Cities area is home to some 400,000 residents on what was once Indian land. The first bridge over the Mississippi linked Rock Island and Davenport in 1856. Today, visitors can ride the train between the two towns, at no cost, or take the highway for a 50-cent toll. Head south from the Quad City area on U.S. 67 for about 45 miles and go west at the junction of Rte. 17 to New Boston, Illinios, a tiny town at the mouth of the Iowa River. Farther south is Keithsburg, the doorway to Yellow Bank country, named after the deep layer of sand exposed in the river valley.
Follow Rte. 94 south and go west on Rte. 34 to the Burlington area.
From the Burlington area follow Rte. 96 to Quincy. If you stop at the
Big River State Forest, you'll see cactus and sandburs! You will pass
through Nauvoo, founded by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
and named by Mormon leader Joseph Smith in 1839. Keep an eye out for river
turtles and wild turkeys crossing the road. The final stop on this fun
drive is Quincy, Illinois, a modest-sized city of German origin that was
once home to anti-abolitionist Stephen Douglas. The city is located on
the bluffs and is worth a drive through just for the view. For a side
trip, cross the river and go south a short distance to the town of Hannibal
Missouri where you can find the picket fence that Tom Sawyer painted for
Becky Thatcher.
Starting Point:
Savanna, IL
Distance of Drive:
272 miles
Must Eat:
The Faithful Pilot
117 N. Cody Rd., Le Claire, IA 52753
Call ahead to confirm hours of operation.
Best Time of Year for Drive:
Fall and summer
Points of Interest on Drive:
Buffalo Bill Museum, Le Claire, IA (open daily 9 am-5 pm, May 15-Oct 15,
rest of the year, weekends only, $1)
Deere and Company headquarters, The Quad Cities (John Deere Road, Hwy-5,
Moline, IL), 10:30 am -1:30 pm, free
Davenport Museum of Art, 1737 W. 12th Street (open Tues-Sun til 4:30),
Davenport, IA
Nauvoo LDS Visitors Center (daily 9-am-9-pm in summer, 9 am-5-pm, rest
of year, free, 217/453-2237)
Joseph Smith Historic Center, corner of Rte. 96 and Water Street (free,
daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)