gostaria de me cadastrar para abaixar drivers
By: Drivers.com staff
Date: Friday, 20. July 2007
A new report from Sweden indicates that 75% of all drivers in that country have access to a mobile phone. Most drivers (75%) were using hand-held phones and the average number of calls per day was 1.1.
In addition to calls, many drivers send and receive text messages. However, this was more common among younger drivers.
The report was commissioned by the Swedish National Road Administration. The idea was to find out more about driver's mobile phone habits and attitudes towards phone use while driving. It looked at traffic accident statistics and summarized results from a national questionnaire, a literary review and focus group discussions.
Use of phones while driving caused drivers to miss exits and traffic signals, fail to adjust speed to conditions and become involved in more near-collision incidents with other vehicles or to run off the road.
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gostaria de me cadastrar para abaixar drivers
Jorge Antonio,
Eu gostaria de receber um site onde eu pudesse puxar drivers gratuito.