Dan Baldyga's insurance claims advice
Date: Sunday, 10. February 2008
The principle on which insurance works is that you pay a certain amount of
money on a regular (annual or monthly) basis to protect yourself against sudden
losses due to unforeseen circumstances. In automobile insurance, that usually
means a crash.
You hope you'll never have to collect from your insurance company, but if
you do, you may find it's not such a straightforward process as you thought.
This is where retired insurance executive Dan Baldyga comes in.
A former national claims manager for one the nation's largest insurance companies,
Baldyga has written a book to help those who are faced with dealing with an
insurance company over a claim. He's written a book titled:
Auto Accident Personal Injury Insurance Claim.
Dan knows what insurance companies look for and what they will agree to pay
-- because he has been the one who directed the settlements!
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My son and I were involved in a side swipe accident with a rig hauling two trailer on the freeway. The CHP report confirmed that the other driver was at 100% fault.
My car received minor damage. My son and I had neck injuries which took a year to heal. We have been seeing our chiropractor for a year.
I 'm negotiating with Progressive Insurance. The adjuster refused to pay all medical expenses for my son and myself . It is huge amount. Progressive offered to pay 1/5 of the bills and offered 2 low ball pain and suffering settlements. Progressive also refused to reimburse my insurance company for the medical coverage.
I had an attorney to represent my case, but decided to drop my case this summer.
Can you give advise how to handle the negotiation process regarding the medical bills?
Helen Brown,
Dan I purchased your book Auto Accident Personal Injury Insurance Claim electronicly but only 55 pages
printed. I can not find it in my e mail. what can I do? I paid 19.95 with a credit card.
I am beginning the settlement process for an auto accident and injury claim with Progressive Insurance. I have had to hire an attorney because the settlement process has become adversarial. During the property damage (total loss of my vehicle) Progressive muscled me into a settlement which excluded valuation for after market upgrades to my vehicle and the same "nickle and dime" technique used by this adjuster is continuing with the personal injury portion of the claim. I have not yet filed suit, but it appears that Progressive will not take me seriously until I do.
The accident was a head-on collision at high cumlative speed and the other driver was ticketed for reckless driving. He and his passenger took an ambulance ride and were treated and released. I later found that he had two felony drug convictions on his record.
Progressive has offered once - a apittance which barely covers medicals and lost wages. Progressive is defending a bad guy and I'm not sure sure they are being truthful about policy limits. Any suggestions or advice out there?