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Big 3 involved with border security

By: staff

Date: 2002-04-16

Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler are helping the U.S. government with an anti-terrorism initiative called Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism to improve security at the U.S.-Canada border. The three automakers' trucks make up eleven percent of the total number of commercial trucks crossing the border. The initiative, launched about a month ago, has the companies install "transponders" on the trucks so Customs can track shipments. This helps Customs keep trucks and drivers moving steadily across the border and is expected to help prevent long delays for inspections. According toGlobalAutoNet, the companies are also agreeing to improve security in their own operations, including enhanced background checks on employees and tightening security on shipments that will cross the border. The Customs commissioner, Robert Bonner, was quoted by the Detroit News as saying the auto companies and other industries that join the initiative will be rewarded by receiving "the fast lane across the border."

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