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Truckers outspoken against terrorist attack

By: staff

Date: 2001-09-12

Truckers were "shook up all over the country" in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack, reports eTrucker News. They're outspoken in their views about what the U.S. government should do, but reacting responsibly, according to a talk show host who fields their calls.

One driver who was near the Trade Center saw people jumping out of windows. The only communication he had was with USA Motor Express, his parent company. "We could tell from his message that he was highly disturbed," said company president Leon Balentine. "We sent him out of Brooklyn last night into New Jersey to get a load to Alabama."

Truckers are very much in touch with what's happening around the country and have many contacts. For example a company in Indiana delivered the limestone used for renovation of the Pentagon. The company cancelled a party it was arranging for suppliers, vendors and employees. It will donate the money it saved to the Red Cross.

Truckers are more opinionated than most, says radio talk show host Big John Trimble of WXGI AM 950 in Richmond, Va. "Our phone lines have gone crazy," he said - "but they're still reacting responsibly. They don't want to go over there and kill innocent people. But they don't want to let this sit either." Read the eTrucker News article.

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