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Driving Alternatives - Featured articles:

Rush hour down on the trail

Congestion is getting worse on the highway, but down on the trails the inline skaters, skateboarders, cyclists, pedestrians are having some problems too More »

Ghost bikes - a new international symbol

The Ghost Bike movement is a now international effort to change motorist behavior and force city authorities to make the streets safer for cyclists. Like all great movements, it was started by one person who was prompted into action based on his personal experience. More »

Going on a low-car diet

The San Diego Low-Car Diet has participants using Flexcar and transit this February. Is car sharing like downloading music? More »

Are you cool with school carpool?

Worried about your kids being car pooled by another driver? You're not alone, but everyone can follow these five simple tips for better safety. More »

The world wants to drive

Explosive growth in car use around the world means we'd better plan for future social, economic, and environmental consequences worldwide. More »

Highways grow, railways shrink

Even as Europe's roads become more congested, its network of railways is shrinking. Europe's motorway network grew 25% in the '90s, but the railway network shrunk by 4% during the same period. More »

Segway: a great leap for human transportation?

It's only two years since rumors of its existence created a hi-tech sensation. Now it's being sold for $4495 on and touted to appear soon on sidewalks and roadways near you. More »

Car-sharing teams with transit

Subway users in Washington DC will soon be able to use a car for an hour or two at the end of the train ride. More »

Let's walk to school, kids tell parents

A survey of English schoolchildren reveals that most of them would prefer to walk to school than be driven. More »

America's unused legs

We know Americans are automobile dependent, but sometimes it can get ridiculous, suggests writer Bill Bryson. Sedentary lives, and driving to even nearby locations, are harming the planet and our bodies. More »

Car sharing: an idea whose time has come

Car sharing 'cooperative ownership' is an increasingly attractive alternative, when the circumstances are right. More »

Want economy? Try miles per calorie

When it comes to efficient use of energy, it's tough to beat a bike, say Johns Hopkins University engineers. More »

Driving Alternatives - Other links:

Lobby group is a non-profit, industry effort to expand the availability of, and environmental benefits from, car sharing in Canada.

Electric powered bicycles adapted with solar panels

This site focuses on a monthly television series promoting awareness of issues affecting the safety of people who walk.

An environmental organization based in New York City. Among other actions and activities, TIME'S UP! sponsors a number of free bicycle rides, including "traffic calming" and "critical mass" rides.

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