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Distractions - Featured articles:

Drivers most at risk from distractions outside car

Article summarizes a research project that looked at 32,000 vehicle crashes and the possible contribution of distractions. More »

Driving With Kids: A Survival Guide

The golden rule to remember is that the driver is responsible for the passengers - no matter what. They may really want that toy that has fallen under the back seat, or need you to pass back a juice bottle, but your job, first and foremost, is to ensure their safety, pandering to their needs is secondary to this. If they know you can't and won't react then they won't expect you to. More »

Texting drivers grab the headlines

The number of drivers who have texted while operating a vehicle could be as high as 77% and one third may do it regularly More »

Eating may be top driving distraction

A recent poll found that 65 percent of drivers eat while driving. Not far behind was talking on a cell phone, and these distractions happen despite drivers' acknowledgement that they believed them to be dangerous. More »

Focused on the driving task

Delphi has built a concept vehicle to demonstrate how all the myriad electronic systems can work in a vehicle that helps keeps drivers focused on driving instead of the distractions. More »

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