HP deskjet 2130 printer errors
If you are having problems with your HP deskjet 2130 then follow our instructions below to troubleshoot your printing issues.
The first thing to do with any printer error on any Operating System is to turn off the printer and unplug for a few minutes, then restart the printer. This can help to reset any simple problems and also confirms you have all the cables plugged in correctly.
HP deskjet 2130 error printing windows 10
If you are running Windows 10 you may have seen the error “driver is unavailable” when trying to print to your HP deskjet 2130 printer. If this is the case it is likely you need to update your printer drivers. You can do this automatically or manually. If you are confident with downloading and running files you can attempt to manually update the drivers. This will only update these specific drivers whereby a Driver Update Tool will keep all your device drivers up-to-date.
Manually update HP Deskjet 2130 drivers
To manually update your printer drivers you would need to do the following:
- go to the HP website software drivers section
- Select printer and then type in your printer details as below
- Once you have downloaded the printer driver, follow the onscreen instructions to install it.
- Restart your computer
Automatically update HP Deskjet 2130 drivers
If you would prefer to automatically update your printer drivers, you can use a Driver Update Tool to automate the process for you.
Automatic driver update tools offer many benefits, the most important ones being:
- You can update device drivers automatically
- The software scans and updates all outdated or missing drivers at one go
- The tool picks the right drivers for your device and operating system, so you won’t have to worry about installing an incorrect driver by mistake
- Automatic driver updates are 100% safe
Driver Updater is one of the best driver update tools out there. Outbyte Driver Updater will give you access to a database of over 1 million drivers. It will regularly scan your PC, suggesting new driver versions to install. Driver Updater contains drivers for a variety of Windows devices. With just one click, you can update drivers in your system.
Step 1
Click here to Install and launch the app
Step 2
Scan all devices
Step 3
Install or update drivers automatically
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