Canon PIXMA mp280 Drivers
Manually Update mp280 Drivers in Windows 7
- Browse to the Canon website
- Locate the correct Driver for the mp280 using Window 7 Operating System
- Click on the file to download
- Select ‘run‘ to install the file straight away or ‘save‘ to download
- If you selected ‘save‘ you will then need to locate and double-click the file to start the installation process
Manually Update mp280 Drivers in Windows 10
To update Canon mp280 Drivers for Windows 10, follow the same process as above
If you cannot find the Drivers or would prefer to get the help of a Driver Update Tool, follow the instructions set out below
Automatically Update mp280 Drivers in Windows 10, 8, Windows 7, Vista and XP
The following instructions apply to all operating systems
- Download Driver Updater here
- Double-click on the downloaded file (usually in ‘downloads’ folder)
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install the tool
- Run a Drivers scan and register the tool if you wish to avail of the automatic Driver updates
Uninstall mp280 Drivers in Windows 7
- Go to the Start menu > Control Panel
- Under Programs select Uninstall a Program
- Under the list of installed programs double-click on the program that you wish to remove
Click Yes > and then click OK - Your program should be removed
- restart your PC