Are you experiencing problems with Kodi? Many users have complained about facing the same issue. Thankfully, there are several things you can try to fix the problem. The very first thing you should do is exit Kodi and restart it. At times small graphical glitches and network connection related issues […] Read more
Resources by Category
PC Fix Tips
Your PC/Device Needs To Be Repaired [Solved]
Blue Screen of Death is an error that nobody wants to see. You may come across this BSOD error if you use Windows 10. Typically Your PC/Device needs to be repaired error occurs when Windows is being loaded up. Generally, the error message contains an error code, such as 0xc0000034, […] Read more
HDMI Port Not Working Fixed
HDMI port not working is a rather common problem. When it occurs, you can’t get any sound or image from the device while using this port. In this post, we’ve listed 5 solutions for this problem. All of them have worked for other users. So, we’re sure at least one […] Read more
Two finger scroll not working Fixed
Two finger scroll is exactly what it name suggests: a feature in laptops which you can use to scroll pages by using two fingers. Thanks to this feature, you can scroll pages without using the arrows, and this in result offers greater accessibility and improves ease-of-access. However, sometimes scrolling refuses […] Read more
External hard drive not showing up windows 10 Resolved
Many Window users who upgraded to Windows 10 faced a peculiar problem related the external hard drive. They noticed that the external hard drive was not being recognized or working properly in Windows 10, even though there were no such problems in the earlier Windows OS. Typically this problem occurs […] Read more
How to Update Nvidia Drivers in Windows 10
You may find that NVIDIA Graphics Card drivers are no longer working after you’ve upgraded to Windows 10. This is a common problem, so you don’t need to worry much if you’re facing this issue. You can resolve this error by updating NVIDIA drivers. You can update NVIDIA graphic card […] Read more
Solve Printer Offline Error in Windows 10, 8, & 7
Printer offline problem usually occurs following a Windows 10 update. When the issue occurs, you, quite obviously, can’t print anything. While this problem can arise other times, too, most Windows 10 users have complained of receiving the error after upgrading to Windows 10. In many cases, printer works after reboot, […] Read more
5 ways to open device manager in windows 10
Like other built-in utility tools, device manager offers several useful functionalities. You can use it to update device drivers, find unknown hardware devices, and disable hardware components, among other things. In this post, we’ll look at not one but eight different ways to access device manager. Open Device Manager Using […] Read more
Windows 10 can’t connect to this network Fixed
Almost every Windows user needs internet for doing one thing or another. That’s why appearance of”Windows 10 can’t connect to this network” error message when you try to use the net can be extremely frustrating. Of course, this is no small issue, but thankfully there are more than one fixes […] Read more
Fix the No audio output device is installed Issue
If you see a red ‘X’ on sound icon in your system tray, it means you will not get any sound from your windows computer. As you can guess, this issue can be frustrating, as you can’t listen to songs or watch movies and videos. And if you are playing […] Read more